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Texas Knife Law Reform Bill Passed by the House Bill HB1935

The Texas State Senate now has the bill, HB1935 before them. Passed by the Texas House, although somewhat anticlimactic Director of Legislative Affairs, Todd Rahtner, has been in Austin for a week working with the Texas State Senate to ensure that any bill that emerged would still be an advance forward for Texas knife owners. HB 1935, as amended now eliminates daggers. dirks, stilettos, poniards, spears, swords and Bowie knives from the Texas statue, effectively allowing them to be carried anywhere in the state.  In order to get the bill moved, the amendment stipulates that knives with blades over 5.5-inches are now defined as "location restricted" knives. Meaning that except for schools, federal buildings, correctional facilities, colleges, houses of worship,...

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Quick Flick Series, Assisted Opening Knives

By Denis Prisbrey, field tester for Tactical Knives magazine These Colonial Knife Corp. fast one–handers are appropriately named. One of the lessons my grandfather learned early, and passed on down to me, was the necessityfor a man to have a knife on board during daily life. The knife Grandpa took with himeverywhere, every day, whether in bib overalls or church suit, wasn’t fancy. No super steel, noexotic handle materials, no tactical leg harness, no trendy brand name and certainly no 12–inchblade. It was a very simple and basic three–blade stockman folder with jigged bone slabs, and ifhe paid more the $1.00 for it at the hardware store 14 miles from his home, I’d be astounded.Even in this modern era with...

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Colonial's Seaworthy knives

Collectors Corner   Colonial‘s Seaworthy Knives by LeRoy Thompson, Tactical Knives magazine   The classic U.S. Navy Sailor’s Knife, along with the Civilian Rigger’s knife get reborn and ready to set sail! Most of us who are interested in the history of knives are probably somewhat familiar with thetraditional Sailor’s Folding Knife, which generally has a sheepsfoot blade and a folding marlinspike. I seem to remember seeing a photograph of a civil war sailor’s knife that incorporatedthe marlin spike. I have also seen photographs of fixed blade sailor’s sheath knives with a marlinspike that folded into the handle. The U.S. Navy contract for the style of Sailor’s Marlin SpikeFolding Knife most familiar to me dates from 1910. Early examples seem to have been...

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